Membership is limited to 11 women

Apply below to secure your space

Do you desire intentional time in sacred sisterhood while nourishing your own heart?

Do you feel the pull to deepen your relationship with ancestral Cacao?

Included with this offering:

  • Two monthly women’s Cacao circles surrounding the Full and New Moon

    (Some circles may need to be re-scheduled outside of the Full and New Moon. In that case, membership will still include a secured space at two women’s circles for the month)

  • Access to the THEO private Whats App support group and answers to questions you have regarding Ceremonial Cacao

  • Monthly self care kit including four single servings of Ceremonial Cacao, one stick of Copal incense and one ceremonial candle

  • (All kits are to be picked up at circle at AKI KIN. Shipping is not available)

  • Membership does not include a secured space for monthly collaborative events outside of our regular women’s circles.

  • Exchange = $66 per month with a 6 month commitment ( This offering is valued at over $120)

AKI KIN is a safe space to explore the unlimited depths of your heart. Each circle is co-created in love, trust, honor and respect. What does that mean? It means that what we share in sacred circle stays in sacred circle and we never share other women’s intentions with anyone who was not present. The evolution of the heart can only occur if rooted in love and safety. This collective provides a judgement free space for women to gather in beauty and weave a new tapestry in reciprocity with AKI KIN ~ Earth Relations.

Let’s weave together…

Do you desire intentional time in sacred sisterhood while nourishing your own heart? Do you feel the pull to deepen your relationship with ancestral Cacao? Share your intentions below for a space in our women’s collective - THEO - The Heart Evolution Offering. May you walk in beauty…