03/13 - Bravery of The Heart @AKI KIN (women only)
03/21 - Spring Equinox @Sandalwood & Sage
03/22 - Spirit of The Rose Temple @ Spirit of The Rose
03/29 - Dreams of The Heart @ AKI KIN (women only)
EMAIL AKIKIN.ORG@GMAIL.COM for the Spirit of The Rose gathering details and address.
Register with the buttons below and specify the date you are attending in the comments
The suggested offering is $44, but is open to ALL who feel called to attend. Reserve your space by making an offering of your choice with the buttons below.
This gathering is open to ALL women, even if you are not a member of THEO.
VALUE: $44
If you wish to make an offering with cash, please email akikin.org@gmail.com to reserve your space.
Offerings are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Cacao has been communed with in ceremony for thousands of years in indigenous communities across many ancient traditions. Cacao helps us open our hearts and connect to the natural world by taking us on a journey of healing and remembrance of innate wisdom. Let us gather together in sacred circle with the gentle support of Mama Cacao to fully express our divine essence while entering a state of attunement with the Natural World and the whispers of our intuition.
Photo by Mark Farbin
Every month surrounding the Full and New Moon, women gather together in sacred circle to commune with the ancestral medicine of Ceremonial Cacao…
About the monthly Moon Cacao Circles:
***Please bring a water bottle***
We begin promptly at 6. Please arrive at the door at least 10 minutes early to allow yourself time to park as it is disruptive to the circle if you arrive late.
If the parking spaces in the front of the building are full, there is more parking to the east and south of the building. If you arrive late you will need to come to the FRONT door as the back door will remain locked after 6 p.m.
Door remains locked until 5:55, please do not enter the building before this time.
AKI KIN is a safe space to explore the unlimited depths of your heart. Each circle is co-created in love, trust, honor and respect. What does that mean? It means that what we share in sacred circle stays in sacred circle and we never share other women’s intentions with anyone who was not present. The evolution of the heart can only occur if rooted in love and safety. This collective provides a judgement free space for women to gather in beauty and weave a new tapestry in reciprocity with AKI KIN ~ Earth Relations.
Let’s weave together…
Do you desire intentional time in sacred sisterhood while nourishing your own heart? Do you feel the pull to deepen your relationship with ancestral Cacao? Share your intentions below for a space in our women’s collective - THEO - The Heart Evolution Offering. May you walk in beauty…
Kristen Arambula Hernandez
Founder of AKI KIN
Bozho, jayek. Kristen Arambula Hernandez ndezhnekas. Idwegishgokwe nishnabe ndezhnekas. Bodewadmi kwe ndaw.
Shishibeni ndebendagwas. Jigwe o ndotem.
Hello, everyone. My name is Kristen Arambula Hernandez. My indigenous name is Idwegishgokwe - Both Sides of the Sky Woman.
I am a Potawatomi woman enrolled with the Citizen Potawatomi Nation.
I am thunderbird clan.
Kristen is a mother to three, advocate for preserving and reclaiming ancestral, traditional ecological and star knowledge. She is a member of Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s De’Wegen Kwek (Women’s Drum), an Indigenous Breastfeeding Counselor, birth doula and Cacao space holder.
Kristen was recently featured in Issue 3. of Hundred Magazine’s 100 Wildly Capable Women in Oklahoma.